Greetings Cosmonauts!
It’s that time again, and this time we can’t wait to reveal our best Cosmic Crate for Spring 2024 yet! On top of other minor changes, this update will be an update you won’t forget within a day!
April 2024 /cc
April comes after a good ol’ march… and the month of March too, this Cosmic Crate won’t be available for long! Only available at!

QoL Updates
Throughout the week we have been adding updates to make your experience more enjoyable and easier. Here are some of the updates:
- Updated Buffed Candy Blade /skin to Map 3 logic
Bug Fixes
A huge shoutout to all the players who reported all these bugs. You’re making a huge difference for everyone on the server. Here is a complete list of the following fixes:
- Fixed some chunks not having flat bedrock
- Fixed faction shield activation times sometimes not saving over reboots
- Fixed Interstellar players being able to enter into the Supernova area
- Fixed bouncers not showing in the Supernova area
- Fixed glitched spot at the top of spawn that allowed players to be put into combat
25% OFF Sale
For this weekend only we’re hosting a smashing 25% Off Sale!