Greetings Cosmonauts!
It’s that time again, and this time we can’t wait to reveal our best… and only… Cosmic Crate as Summer gets off to a sizzling start! On top of some cannoning changes, this update brings mastery.
June 2024 /cc
It’s almost summer and what not better way to celebrate with a June /cc! Get your sunglasses on because today is a hot day! Only available at!

Mastery Slot Bot Tickets
Sporting a new tier, the slot-bot is on fire with this week's update. Take advantage before it cools down!

Normal/Heroic Slot Changes
To make the playing experience better, we’ve decided to increase the number of slots each reel requires while making the loot better ~ less time spent opening slots is a better playing experience! Woohoo!

QoL Updates
Throughout the week we have been adding updates to make your experience more enjoyable and easier. Here are some of the updates:
- Explosions have been optimized to cause 50% less lag
- We’ll be monitoring these changes as we collect more data
- Added the number of viewers to inventory chat actions.
- Updated /discord link message to give information on how to unlink.
Bug Fixes
A huge shoutout to all the players who reported all these bugs. You’re making a huge difference for everyone on the server. Here is a complete list of the following fixes:
- Changed Creeper /f logs to no longer log enemies or neutrals.
- Fixed factions (or allies) being able to self-raid Raid Outpost.
- Fixed Cushioning Reinforced /trial modifier not properly giving Absorption hearts.
25% OFF Sale
For this weekend to ring in Summer we’re hosting a smashing 25% OFF Sale!