5. Base Rules

These rules outline restrictions regarding bases, faction points, and checkboxes on the server.

5.1. Base Limitations

  1. Bases are allowed to be up to 15x15 chunks in size.
  2. Bases are allowed up to 20 chunks of base defenses (buffer), starting from the exterior wall* of your base.
    * Exterior wall is defined as 1 block further than the first non-solid before the furthest strongest wall material from the core chunk (or closest if its not Obsidian)
  3. Factions must leave a minimum of 15 chunks between the end of your buffer and the start of another faction’s buffer.
  4. Factions are prohibited to claim within 4000 blocks/250 chunks of their base unless the claim is an anti raid claim*.
    * Anti raid claims are defined as being a claim which is actively being used to counter an enemy faction’s cannon.
  5. Regen walls can only be within your buffer. Having them inside of the base itself is prohibited, except for Regen Reverse Layers
  6. Obsidian defenses of any kind are prohibited, except for: Outer Base Shell, Player Boxes, 256 Obby Cap, Stacked Horizontal Filters, Y level:2 and below, Regen Bars, Patching walls while being actively raided*.
    * A raid is considered an enemy faction shooting TNT at your base claims (not including derp base claims).
  7. Using Enchant Tables, Ender Chests, Normal/Trapped Chests, Anvils, Fence Gates, Brewing Stands, Soul Sand, Cobwebs in defenses is prohibited.
  8. Traps/derps/etc. must not have more than 1 regenerating defense.
  9. Encasing your spawners/custom blocks in water/obsidian/etc. is prohibited.
  10. A faction/alliance may only own 1 corner. Any corners owned by the same faction (including alts) will be removed after 24 hours of SOTW.
  11. Building regen defences within the /raid outpost is prohibited. 

5.2. Insiding

  1. Once a player contributes to the faction pool (e.g. /f top, derps, etc), these contributions are now considered property of the faction leader rather than of the player that contributed it.
  2. Selling/stealing/taking spawners/items/money from boxes you don't have access to is prohibited.
  3. Removing faction defenses (e.g. mining holes in the cap) or claims without permission from the faction leader is prohibited.

5.3. Faction Points

  1. Point farming of any kind is prohibited, including but not limited to:
    - Creating alt or secondary factions of any kind to raid their points.
    - Intentionally allowing other factions to raid your base without making reasonable defense efforts.
    - Any arrangement/agreement/understanding between factions designed to artificially farm points.
  2. Raiding your own base/core chunk is prohibited.
  3. Raiding an allies base/core chunk is prohibited, unless you have been enemied for more than 24 hours.
  4. If two or more factions merge*, it is prohibited to raid that faction’s core chunk within 24 hours.
    * Merging refers to the combining of two or more separate factions into a single faction, including cases where members of one faction join another faction regardless of whether the entire faction moves. Factions that share a base are prohibited from merging.

5.4. Checkboxes

  1. A checkbox is an area that utilizes redstone for a faction to check their buffers more easily with the use of redstone lamps.
  2. Factions are allowed only 1 checkbox.
  3. Redstone checkboxes must be within 10 chunks of your base shell. Anything further is prohibited.
  4. AFKing inside a checkbox is prohibited. Players must leave once they check their walls.
  5. Raid detectors of any kind are prohibited.