6. Cannoning Rules
These are rules for cannon usage on the server, detailing limitations on certain types of cannons, restrictions on cannon box claims, and permissible actions during raid events and in the Overworld.
6.1. Cannoning Limitations
- Auto cannons are prohibited.
- Using levers to shoot cannons is prohibited.
- Using any sort of “TNT Array” cannon is prohibited.
- Using a cannon to shoot through multiple walls with only one button press is prohibited. (Rule of thumb: 1 wall per button press, excludes “double tapping*”)
* Double tapping is defined as a mechanism on a cannon which allows you to shoot 1 shot with a delayed scatter, followed by a second shot with no scatter allowing you to backstack on a regen wall. - Shooting over 256 is permitted. (e.g. Lstackers, Lofters, midairs, etc.)
- Left/Right shooting is permitted.
- Push L/Rs are not allowed.
- Countering another factions cannon which is not targeted towards your faction/ally factions base in prohibited.
- Participating in another factions raid without being allied is prohibited.
6.2 Cannon Box Limitations
- Claiming your cannon box with base claims is prohibited.
- Cannon Boxes are only permitted to have a maximum of 3 Minechat regen walls & unlimited flat walls. Anything else is prohibited.
- Cannon Boxes are allowed to be up to 9x9 claims in size, excluding flight path* and guider claims**.
* Flight path is defined as the path TNT/Sand travels from the cannon all the way to the wall.
** Guider claims are defined as claims used to alter the path of your TNT/Sand.
*** Flight path/Guider claims can be no wider than 4 chunks thick.